UK Travel Rules – and their strange links

UK Travel Rules – and their strange links

Driving between The Netherlands and England during the pandemic has interesting consequences. We care for relatives in England, and reside in The Netherlands. Travel is thus inevitable, but as a consequence of the pandemic there is a multitude of rules and paperwork...
EU Invades N Ireland

EU Invades N Ireland

In a daring move, the EU has launched a surprise raid on Northern Ireland! Following heated discussions concerning the supply of Covid vaccine to the EU and the inability of Belgian and Dutch plants to make any, the EU Reichsfuhrer Ursa Tyrranica, nickname The Polar...
New Cabinet talent?

New Cabinet talent?

The BBC reported this morning on Sir Desmond Swayne, the Tory MP who believes that Covid is a hoax, that the NHS is operating normally, and that vaccinations are not necessary. A fellow MP assured BBC listeners that...

Brexit – plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

To all those British and European entrepreneurs and business people who are wondering if they are prepared for next week – or not – and if they need to spend the next few days poring through the 1,256 pages of the latest TCA to find out! Yesterday during a...

Guide to the UK Cabinet… an occasional :-)

Prime Minister – Borrow My Johnson – fired from The Times for generating fake news and lying, philanders his way across London scattering ruined women and bastards in his wake; incapable of organising anything except continuous oratory and unprotected...

So Here’s The Deal…

Courtesy of the EU and our colleagues at the NBCC, the link below will take you to the full text of the proposed trade agreement between the UK and EU, which will come into force on the 1st January 2020 after ratification by the UK and EU parliaments. Full EU...