UK 2020 Budget Analysis

UK 2020 Budget Analysis

Courtesy of WT Fry, please find below a link to their analysis of the UK budget. They have emphasised those items that are of importance to expatriates and those returning to the UK. 2020 UK Budget Analysis
Well, that was interesting…

Well, that was interesting…

Risky Sunny, who has replaced Sad David as chancellor, got to present his government’s first budget today. And what a budget it was! Taking his cue from the party opposite, he looted the Labour Party manifesto for ideas and put those forward as new Tory policy....

Friday the 13th – The Jokathon

Next Friday, 13th of December, brings the annual CADS Christmas lunch and Jokathon! We will gather in the bar of the KIGC on Dam Square from 1200 onwards. Lunch starts at 1230 in the Damzaal, and we will finish slightly later than usual at 1430. Please reserve your...

More Bad News for Beavis

So how is the business sector responding to Boris’s ‘oven ready’ Brexit plan? Looks like they are mostly packing up and retiring to holiday homes in the Mediterranean. Latest UK PMI figures show that UK productivity continues to drop and the decline...

Impact of UK Election

ING have produced a very useful study of all the possible outcomes of the UK election on Brexit, and the consequent impact on currency, gilts and shares. You can download the presentation below. Impact of UK ElectionDownload