by Julia | Jan 26, 2025 | Featured, Greetings from the Chair
My dear CADS, All the best for 2025. I wish you much health, wealth and happiness for the coming year. And warmth….! Isn’t it soooo cold at the moment! The CADS year started with an intimate lunch (just 11 of us) in the Bestuurskamer of the KIGC on Friday 17th...
by Julia | Jan 10, 2025 | Greetings from the Chair, Featured
My dear CADS, CADS held its annual Jokathon on Friday 13th at the K.I.G.C.. We had the best attendance of my time as Chair – nearly 40 people. The event was dedicated to Mike Hayes, one of our fomer Chairs, (he even donated the current trophy). Mike Waters gave a...
by Julia | Nov 23, 2024 | Greetings from the Chair, Featured
My dear CADS, Thank you so much, for supporting our Gala Dinner so enthusiastically. We had 60 people present and every one of those 60 people was up for a good time! We were honoured to welcome Michael Carn, OBE, one of our ex-Chairs, and Dick van den Broek, the...
by Julia | Oct 29, 2024 | Greetings from the Chair, Featured
My dear CADS, I hope you are well! On Wednesday 16th October we held the CADS AGM. We only had 8 members at the meeting (and 2 guests), so although we were quorate, and had a very nice evening, there were not enough members present to get a good discussion going. The...
by Julia | Oct 6, 2024 | Greetings from the Chair, Featured
My dear CADS, Next time I’m at a CADS lunch and I tell you that I’m boarding a plane to Tuscany in a few hours, please stop me having a G&T, white wine, red wine… (you get the picture!) – I was lucky they let me onto the plane! But the CADS lunch was...
by Julia | Sep 1, 2024 | Featured, Greetings from the Chair
My dear CADS, I hope you are all well and enjoying summer now that it has finally arrived. This month sees yours truly being very busy conducting many summer weddings as part of my role as Celebrant. I find this to be fantastic positive ‘work’ and am delighted I made...