by Mike | Jun 3, 2019 | CADS Blog, CADvertising
Some of you will already have met new members Hannah Bayliss and Tim Smith. Apart from holding down a full time job as MD of Customer Experience at Fedex, Hannah spends her spare time distilling gin and giving customer experience tours at the Driftwood Distillery,...
by Mike | May 22, 2017 | Dutch News, Events Blog, CADS Blog, CADvertising
Mike’s Badhuistheater brings a brand new play to the stage: Blackadder Goes Forth. Blackadder is a high level comedy that ruthlessly denounces the cynicism of politicians. The style of Beckett’s Waiting for Godot can be spotted in the brilliant sarcasm. It is also...
by Mike | May 11, 2017 | CADvertising, Dutch News, Events Blog
At midnight on 17th June, thousands of people will join the “Nacht van de Vluchteling” walk in Amsterdam, and Louise Hunter will be joining the 10km walk to raise funds and awareness for refugees. If you would like to join her, please email her via...
by Mike | Oct 5, 2015 | CADS Blog, CADvertising, Dutch News, Events Blog
by Mike | Apr 21, 2015 | Dutch News, Events Blog, CADS Blog, CADvertising
On Tuesday 28th April at 12.30-1.00, former CAD Ian Spencer will be presenting a free lunch-time programme at the Muziektheater, Amsterdam featuring songs of Flanders and Swann. For those who don’t recognise their names, they were a 1960s British comedy...
by Mike | Dec 6, 2014 | CADS Blog, CADvertising, Dutch News
CADS & Mark Cunningham – in Perfect Harmony. Congratulations to CADS member Mark Perfect Harmony Cunningham on the publication of his first book – Perfect Harmony. A mouth-watering book about Amsterdam’s top restaurant, La Rive in the Amstel Hotel. PERFECT...