My dear CADS,

Next time I’m at a CADS lunch and I tell you that I’m boarding a plane to Tuscany in a few hours, please stop me having a G&T, white wine, red wine… (you get the picture!) – I was lucky they let me onto the plane! But the CADS lunch was totally worth it! We had a full capacity attendance lunch with a very interesting presentation from Benno Pieters and his business partner Shokoofeh Ketabchi. They shared some of the endless possibilities with AI and ChatGPT, particularly with reference to entrepreneurs and creating business. This is the topic of their latest book ‘AI and ROI’. There are many applications for CADS with AI, so I’m looking forward to working with Benno on this topic!

CADS Gala Dinner 
November 14th, IGC Amsterdam

Thank you so much to the many of you who have already applied for tickets for the Gala Dinner. Sorry that it was initially a bit chaotic buying the tickets; I un-intentionally replicated the “Oasis’ ticket drama. The good old-fashioned way of sending me an email, and then doing a bank transfer seems to be working much better!
CADS is holding a raffle at the dinner. The monies collected will go to just one charity that evening. As Chair, I believe that the beneficiary charity should be a charity that benefits both Anglo & Dutch recipients, so if you have any ideas of what that charity might be, please get in touch!

Also, if any of you are willing to donate a top-class prize, please shout! We are only going to have 3 prizes so want the top one to be a ‘belter!’ Something like a weekend away at a CADS member’s second home? or a voucher for dinner at one of your favourite restaurants where you could ask the owner to provide such a gift! Please be creative and help CADS to make the raffle extra special and raise lots of money!

Next Meeting

Our next meeting will be the AGM. If you have any items for the agenda, please email them to the Chair. The AGM papers will be sent out a week before the meeting. We have 2 vacancies on the Board for Treasurer and Secretary. You will hear at the AGM that we are planning to automate much of the administration surrounding our club, so neither of these roles will be particularly onerous – but our Articles require these posts to be filled. Please have a think if you could come forward to take up a role. If yes, do get in touch – PLEASE!

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with CADS. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.