My dear CADS,

I am writing this on a Sunday morning; I have the lights on in the house; my dog is soaking wet from his morning walk in the rain, yet I am nursing sun burn from working in the garden yesterday. Was that summer? Blink and you’ve missed it! I cannot write an Anglo Dutch newsletter without mentioning the recent mens’ football tournament– the Euros 2024. England vs Netherlands was one of the semi-finals. In case you don’t know, I am a football mad Scot and it’s in my blood to support anyone who plays against England in any sport, and of course I live in the NL. So it should have been easy for me to support the Netherlands. BUT my sons were all born in England, and I have lived there more than any other country. I was completely torn by the result especially when that was definitely not a penalty! But in the end, Spain won the final, and justice was
done! Congratulations to Spain, they were unanimously the best team in the tournament.

Juli meeting

Our last meeting was on Friday 19th July at the IGC in Amsterdam. The guest speaker was Giles Slinger, one of our own members. Giles presented on the organisation ‘Hague Tech’ where he is an Executive Board member. Hague Tech is a vibrant tech community where entrepreneurs, changemakers and those of a generally creative persuasion can thrive together. Giles presented the concept behind the organisation and then posed several of the current dilemmas facing Hague Tech to the CADS diners, who were then able to harness their collective experience to help Giles move the dilemmas on. This was a stimulating and entertaining concept for a lunch, and I think Giles found the interaction with, and idea generation from CADS very useful. We can definitely repeat this format to help other members with their business dilemmas, so please shout if this would be useful for your business.

Lustrum Golden Jubilee

Our Lustrum (Golden Jubilee) celebration dinner will be on Thursday November 14th, 2024, at the IGC in Amsterdam. I took the opportunity of the lunch on Friday to ask the members for some ideas on what to include in the Golden Jubilee evening. We came up with lots of great ideas:

• Gala dinner format
• Partners to be invited
• Music
• Some form of representation from the different countries that make up CADS
• Feature past Chairmen of CADS
• Charity Auction
• Raffle prizes
• Table Games
• Corporate tables
• Invite former and potential members
• Diplomatic representation

If you have any other ideas or would like to volunteer to organise any part of the evening, please get in touch! The date is now confirmed, so please pop it in your agendas and start making plans to be in Amsterdam on 14th November.

Next meeting

Our next event is our Annual Boat trip on Friday August 16th. This is always a well-attended event with CADS members hosting many guests and friends. The cost of the event will be €75 per person which is great value for a hot meal, with seemingly unlimited alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages as we cruise along the canals. The boat is weather-proof too – a big plus in these times.

See our events page for the latest schedule of events for your agendas. Many of you are super busy so please put ALL these dates in your diary NOW!

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with CADS. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.