Use the link below to download the changes to the Withdrawal Agreement which have been incorporated in a new document for consideration by Parliament tomorrow Saturday the 19th October 2019.

Effectively, all the changes are subject to review by a “Joint Committee” and can then be changed after action by a “Specialised Committee”. The Joint Committee is apparently formed of representatives of the Human Rights Commissions of Northern Ireland and Ireland, in upholding human rights and equality standards. This makes little sense, but is the only reference to “The Joint Committee”. It also says that the “Specialised Committee” is the one referred to in Article 165 of the Withdrawal Agreement. However Article 165 is about suspension of benefits, and makes no mention of a specialised committee. So as usual, this is a dog’s breakfast of a document, cobbled together late at night. What is meant is the Joint and Specialised Committees established by the original Withdrawal Agreement, but it does not specify that.