Then René broke the ice with his infamous parrot joke, and we were off! Both René and Dee surprised us with a quick succession of jokes, as did the interjections of Mark C and John Graham, and the always popular riddles, double entendres and jokes from Louise. The volume, pace and atmosphere built up until the whole audience was groaning, laughing, clapping and rattling the tables.
In the end it was Scott Anderson who won through, with perfectly timed contributions about Belgians who use coins to make telephone calls, ladies who get their legs tattooed, and the female suggestion that silver is better than gold when it comes to certain types of product. Well done Scott! You get to keep the fabulous Jokathon trophy for a year, and a copy of ‘the Snowgirl’. We look forward to your defending it next time 🙂
We ended the event with a raffle for Mike Hayes’ cancer charity, which raised a fantastic 330 Euros, plus several promises to transfer funds via the bank. Thank you to John Milhado, and to all the others who donated. If you still want to contribute, and to download Mike’s song, click here.
With all CADS best wishes for a peaceful and refreshing Christmas, and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.